Paris is the city of lights. But, also just as fitting, it’s the city of beautiful parks. Luxembourg Park is the park that seems to bring the city together. It’s a vast, open area of space with neatly curated lawns and it is one of the largest parks in Paris.
There were beautifully-groomed flowers that ameliorated the colors of the rainbow. The sun was out and it was shining bright over the fountain in the middle of the park. The weather was balmy and just plain nice. A handful of kids were racing toy boats in the fountain. Their parents watched blissfully, with the occasional exception to fish out boats gone astray. Couples occupied the myriad of benches. From young to old, Luxembourg Park is the place where people meet up to soak in the air, the crisp young autumn sun and to enjoy life.

The mister and I made our way around Luxembourg Park, taking pictures and taking in the beauty of the park. I couldn’t help but admire the flowers. They were abundant and beautiful and seem to fragrant the air, making the park just a little more pleasing. I leaned in towards a rose, slowly, as the mister clicked away on his fancy camera.
I took in another whiff and then I felt it: A single drop on the tip of my nose. I didn’t think much of it, since my schnozz generally takes the brunt of all immediate actions to the face, like a football to the face, for instance (hello, freshman PE).
So, I leaned over to another nearby rose. And I felt that drop again. Right there. Square on my nose. At this point, I’m thinking: “ok, maybe I’m doing this. Maybe I’m blowing snot on myself.” Until I felt yet a third drop, this time on my forehead.
We looked up and saw ominous clouds. There was very little time to ponder why the weather went from sunny to cloudy so quickly because those clouds opened up and started to pour. The mister and I took shelter under a tree. It wasn’t enough, so we did what all the rest of the Parisians did: We hid under a store canopy and waited out the rain. It isn’t uncommon for the rain to break out mid-day and then leave as briefly as it arrived. So, I took note for the next time: pack a tiny umbrella or grab a croissant from a nearby patisserie and wait it out.
But, to spend a day in a such a beautiful park is highly recommended, and best of all, it’s free.

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