Wednesday’s Wonder: Meet Sheepish Van Hooderhoosen

This Wednesday’s Wonder: Sheepish Van Hooderhoosen at the Zuiderzee Museum, Netherlands.

I could have sworn I was the dog whisperer when I was a kid. My springer spaniel used to follow me everywhere. I would spill all my secrets and she would stare back at me with those big bloodshot brown eyes wondering: “Who am I going to tell?” She would sleep on my bed practically every night and greet me every day when I came home from school.

I thought I must be pretty good with animals. Until the day I reached into my back pocket and found a couple of Beggin’ Strips. How long it was in there, I will never know. But, I figured out the reason why my dog wouldn’t let me out of her sight:

I smelled like bacon.

So Sassy only liked me because my butt smelled like bacon, but animals are still pretty adorable. Like this sheep at the Zuiderzee Museum in the Netherlands. Affectionately named Sheepish Van Hooderhoosen (by me), he’s one of the attractions at the open air museum. The Zuiderzee museum was created to protect the fishing culture in the area from disappearing. Zuiderzee is a great place to actually get some Dutch culture. It’s a hands-on kind of place, and you can pet sheep!

Hey, buddy! Hey, buddy!

Ever had an adorable run-in like this on your travels?

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