Wednesday’s Wonder: These Shoes Were Made For Walking

This Wednesday’s Wonder: That Time We Were Faster than the Cars in Kuala Lumpur.

Our hearts go out to the passengers of MH17 and MH370. May they rest in peace. 

I love my city.

Los Angeles has it all: Good food, beautiful beaches, a good night life.

But, the traffic sucks. That’s the one thing I hate about this city. I hate it so much that on most days, I take the train.

Yet, nothing could compare to the traffic on this street in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Remember that opening scene in Office Space when Gibbons was stuck in traffic and an elderly gentleman with a walker was going faster than him? Yeah, we were that old guy.

When these cars aren't moving, then these shoes are made for walking When these cars aren’t moving, then these shoes are made for walking


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