This Wednesday’s Wonder: Seoul’s Skyline is Vast.
We walked forward, backward (good for the hammies), uphill, downhill, listing lazily to the left and in the frigid rain. This was an adventure of monumental proportions. Some would even say it’s an adventure of “vast” proportions. The hill up to the Seoul Tower was no walk in the park (actually it kind of really was a walk in the park, but, whatever…metaphors, people). It consisted mostly of going uphill as cherry blossom flowers sprinkled on to the ground, peppering our jackets.
We were pretty much the only ones taking the long way up to the Tower. Most people took the cable car, drove or took buses up. But when we finally made it to the very top of the tower, we got this view. Look at the vastness of Seoul. Totally worth the hammy workout.

What do you think? Is that a big view of Seoul?
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