This Wednesday’s Wonder: There’s lots of hands in the kitchen in Tokyo, Japan.
A lot of people would say life is like a sitcom. Others (like myself) would disagree. I remember watching a lot of Thanksgiving specials where people would be frantically trying to create a Thanksgiving feast for the family. To the dismay of the matriarch of the family, people would create some haphazard cranberry-esque sauce and the mom/grannie/Jewish auntie would disapprove.
Well, this never really happened in my family. Everyone had–and continues to have– a role in the kitchen. There’s a griller, a peeler, a washer and a wiper, a roaster, a watcher and a sneaky eater (that last one is me, sorry grandma…). There are no sitcoms and never too many hands in this dojo.
I’d like to think that it’s the teamwork that makes such a delicious dinner, mostly because everyone has a role and everyone cares about how their role (aka: the dish) will taste. The same might apply to all these hands in the kitchen of a ramen joint in Tokyo, Japan. Everyone has a role to contribute to an individual bowl of hot ramen. Every step, every pinch of an ingredient, every tender loving care put into just one bowl matters just as much as the meal before it.
Best dinner ever.

Are you a fan of ramen? Have a funny family dinner mishap to share? Let us know!
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