This Wednesday’s Wonder: Levitated Mass in Los Angeles
True story: every time we return to the States, I cry a little. It’s not from being jetlagged or because we miss the country we visited. It’s because we have to return to Los Angeles. LA is the place where anyone can be anything they want to be and no one will ever question it. It’s nice to have the freedom to do whatever you want with little questioning. But, there’s a limit.
You want to pile furniture ten-feet high on your Winnebago with only a simple, shredded rope and park it on a residential street? Sure, why not. You want to get really ripped and experience ‘roid rage at Muscle Beach? Be our guest. Want to make it as an actor and you don’t care who you have to step on to get there? Well, you’ve definitely come to the perfect place.
That’s why no one will ever question a levitating boulder. “Levitated Mass” is contemporary artwork featured at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). LACMA features beautiful art from all around the world and it only costs $10.00 to enter. You can view beautiful art from the European Renaissance and artwork from Asia and South America right alongside Warhol’s Campbell Soup Can and the massive levitating stone.
We walked right up to that rock, walked underneath it, strolled around it and had high tea beside it. Not once did anyone ever ponder the veracity of the rock, how it could remain levitated or how a boulder could possibly be considered contemporary art. If you listen closely, you can hear Yosemite’s awe-inspiring Half Dome weeping. But, you snooze, you lose, Half Dome. We got a rock and it’s levitating.

You know you’ve seen insanity like this before. Come on, spill it.
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