This Wednesday’s Wonder: La Cambe, Normandy, France.
Visiting the Normandy coast of France was one of the more somber moments on our trip in France. To know that so many people died for the preservation of our freedom is shocking. It’s an eye-opener to see the hundreds of headstones lined up in an eternal salute to liberties we so often take for granted.
There was one more cemetery on the trip that day. One that had few—if any—visitors: La Cambe, a WWII German military cemetery.
The history books write the Third Reich as the perilous enemy of World War II, vicious undertakers to the threat of universal freedom. Then there are those German soldiers who attempted to stand free from the tyranny, yet were ruthlessly inscripted to fight anyway, for a war they may not have believed in, but had little choice or power to overcome their fate.
Their stories will remain forever buried, immortalized only by headstones in La Cambe.

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