This Wednesday’s Wonder: Cliff-Diving in Mazatlan, Mexico.
True story: when my little brother was 5 years-old, and I was 22, we went to the public swimming pool. My brother, who will do anything (not even on a dare) repeatedly jumped off the ten-foot high diving board. I, being scared of heights and whatnot — although, it isn’t the heights that are scary, but the falling and dying part that’s terrifying– climbed cautiously up the ladder to the top of the diving board.
Teetering over the edge, I looked down and immediately felt the urge to puke. “I gotta get down from here!” I yelled.
As I slowly backed away, I saw my brother looking up at me. He looked me straight in the eye and uttered the words no big sister can back down from:
“What are you? Chicken?”
In the realm of siblinghood, them’s fightin’ words. There was nothing left to do but to jump.
I wish I could say I was successful, like the guy in the photo below. Sadly, I bellyflopped, and as I hit the water, I heard an “ooooh, that’s gotta hurt” from the crowd. It did.
So, what made it so easy for this cliff-diving performer in Mazatlan, Mexico? With the grace of a gazelle, this guy risked his life, really, or at the very least, public shaming, and dived into the crystal blue waters of the Pacific. He does this several times daily for tips.
Mazatlan was at one time a fishing village. Over the course of time, it has become one of the more populous cities in the country and thrives on tourism. So, it’s no wonder the cliff-diver wanted a piece of the the pie. It was actually a pretty profitable endeavor for him, too. Just a scary endeavor…a really REALLY scary endeavor.
This guy is nuts.
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