Wednesday’s Wonder: I Stepped on It

This Wednesday’s Wonder: A Sarajevo Rose in Bosnia

There’s a slab of concrete in my grandparent’s backyard that was defiled…all the way back in 1973. You see, my grandpa spent days painstakingly laying concrete and my aunt –who was all of three years old at that time –put her handprints in it and wrote: “T was here.” To this day, everyone who visits inadvertently steps on it.

Well, we stepped on it. Again and again and again. This wasn’t the spontaneous Hollywood footprint-esque cement slab in my grandpa’s backyard, but rather, a Sarajevo Rose in Bosnia. At one time, there were tons of Sarajevo Roses: resin-filled mortar shell holes lining the streets of Sarajevo. But, as cement has been replaced over the years and as time has progressed, they’ve disappeared.

Perhaps some of that was due to these Roses being tourist attractions, perhaps it’s because old, uneven cement is a problem. Perhaps because with the erasure of roses, the erasure of memory follows. But, we stepped on it. And that makes me wonder: do people forget it?

Sarajevo Rose Sarajevo Rose

What do you think? Does time remove the memory?

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