Wednesday’s Wonder: Does Not Compute

This Wednesday’s Wonder: Roaming the near empty streets of Salzburg, suddenly surrounded by robots, panic does not ensue.

It was a very cold, very crisp Christmas Eve when we made our way to Salzburg. We were about to get a real taste of the way Europeans celebrate this age-old holiday. Here’s a hint: everything completely shuts down.


Shops, grocery stores, restaurants, people. Everything that can shut down does shut down precisely at 2:00 pm. This was marked by a really long ringing of the bells. Of course, if there was a closing time in the States the day before a major holiday, people would be running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to make last-minute purchases. Not here, though. Absolutely no one panics. After 2 pm, Salzburg became a little like a ghost town.

In fact, it slowed down so much, we started peeking into really cool shop windows. Shops with stuff like these robots: adorable little tin gifts with dozens of faces…waiting…staring…watching. Like toy robots have been known to do (no offense, toy robots, but you tend to stare a lot).

052015 Does Not Compute.

What do you think? Think those robots are cute enough to buy?

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