“The bus comes at four and forty-five,” said the front desk.
“….In the morning?!?!”
“Yes, at four and forty-five.”
Stunned into disbelief, we learned from our hotel’s front desk in Belgrade that our van ride to Sarajevo was coming early. Really early. She looked just as stunned as we did. After all, we kept asking her to repeat it. She probably thought we didn’t know English too well.
The day before, we went to the office for GEA Tours to book the transportation. Aside from flying, it was one of the best ways to get to Sarajevo quickly from Belgrade. It was like a straight up party in there. People were laughing, smoking, loud music was playing. This was my kind of place. We were told we would be picked up early, but there was no notice of “Really Early.”
Well, 4:45 rolled around, and like a good set of travelers, we were out of the hotel in about 15 minutes. Our ride finally came and believe it or not, there were other people in there. Part of me still wonders how early they had to wake up (dayum! Early).
Early or not, Serbia and Bosnia’s countrysides are beautiful. The hills are green and rolling and frankly, I’m a little jealous that Europe’s countrysides are so beautiful. Universal healthcare, historical cities, the birthplace of schnitzel and now beautiful countrysides?! What gives, Europe?

Around four hours later, we arrived in Sarajevo. Every city has their own vibe. Los Angeles has theirs and people automatically meld into it. New York has theirs, same for London and Paris. A lot of a city’s vibe is shaped by the history and what the people think the future should be. I suppose travelers pick up on this and respect and appreciate it (well, respectful travelers, anyway). Sarajevo’s vibe is no different. It feels like a complicated modesty. We can’t miss the dozen or so cemeteries that speckle the landscape. We can’t miss what looks like bullet holes in buildings. We can’t miss the Sarajevo Roses that still dot the ground. We can only just tip-toe around it. We can only just take it all in. Sarajevo is pretty. Bosnia is pretty and its beauty all seems to be in their strength.

What’s up with that beautiful green landscape, Europe? Seriously.
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