What do you do on a hot day in southern France when you realize your deodorant gave out some time between climbing the stairs to Monaco’s botanical garden and the ill-fated chip heist of Casino Royale? (long winded, I know)
You climb 1401 practically vertical feet to a cute little town called Èze, spritz on some perfume from one of France’s oldest parfumeries and give the pits the old wifferoonie sniff test. That’s what.
Èze is a tiny town nestled atop a French mountainside. There are three ways to get up there. One is walking straight up the steps, which can be slippery. The other is to take a bus. The third is to give your hitchhiker thumb a good workout. The bus only costs a Euro and it’s air-conditioned, so that is the highly recommended option (especially if you’re a sweaty-kinda-gal, like me). The bus up to Èze meets at the train station, which is steps from the sea.

The town is really beautiful. It’s rather small, with skinny winding alleyways that look the same as they did hundreds of years ago. The view of the Mediterranean Sea from Èze is amazing.
Small shops adorn the area along with eateries. There’s also that super awesome Galimard Parfumerie that practically cured my pits problem. You can make your own perfume if you desire. Perhaps there’s that special someone you want to make perfume for to—you know—drop them a hintedy-hint-hint… Special thanks to my husband for buying me some rose-scented perfume that day (maybe he was trying to drop me a hint).

Surprisingly, for being a touristy place, there were very few tourists in Èze. The alleyways weren’t crowded and there wasn’t a lot of foot traffic. It was amazing how such a great panoramic view was so unobstructed by people.

While there weren’t a lot of tourists adoring the view, there were a lot of aphids in Èze. Oh, the glorious aphids who—when seeing two people trying to enjoy an éclair—immediately swarmed to join us on our mini culinary journey. We don’t much like the taste of aphids in our éclair. So, the mister grabbed one that landed on his neck, pinched it and flicked it to the ground. So, aphid, we may like this little town, but you: tell the other aphids what you just saw.
What has been your favorite view on your travels?
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