Happy Valentines Day, you WONDERful readers!
And happy first blogiversary to our Wondernuts blog!
It’s been a hell of a year for us in the blogiverse. We’ve made new blog friends and connections and have grown a modest readership and fan base. One thing is for sure, we haven’t strayed from our original blog outlook: we are an American couple with professional careers who love to travel and we love to help others with their travel plans, too. We firmly believe in spreading the word about our travels. We believe it’s important to focus on the culture and history of the places we visited. We don’t believe that traveling is all about partying. To focus solely on this aspect gives a superficial viewpoint of the cultures visited.
We’ve broached and dissected the complicatedly uncomplicated concept of tourist vs. traveler, the need for modesty and humility when traveling and the need for traveling with eyes wide open.
Join us as we highlight 2013’s most memorable travel stories!
The Beginning
Our first post discussed our very first trip together as a couple in Washington D.C., where we learned that I love how cute duckies are and my husband loves how delicious they taste. We also set the tone for this traveling couple blog: travel is our bond, we communicate openly about anything…even eating ducks.
We debated whether going up the Eiffel Tower is worth it. We conceded that yes, it’s completely worth it. Memories that last a lifetime are never overrated.
If you ever wanted to know who those douchebags are hanging love padlocks all over Parisian bridges, it’s us. But, hey, we also got engaged in Paris and it was a sweet memory.

Gettin’ Famous on the Interwebz
Check out our post on whether people should travel young or travel old. Spoiler alert: you should travel young. Find out why!
Our most famous post is none other than a hot pussy… It’s about a cat. Go on, google “hot pussy,” you’ll see our pussy…cat. To be fair, though, the cat is lying suggestively.
We were elated when we received the U.K.-based Wanderlust Magazine’s Travel Blog of the Week with this post. Who knew the poopy substance that is durian would be such a hit.
This post’s photo ended up in an Orange County, California based events magazine called 101 Things to Do.

Controversial Posts
In this post, we question whether “off the beaten path” exists. Read on to find out if does exist, but if you’re a reader of this blog, you’ll know that it doesn’t. Find out why!
If you’re in a country where your physical attributes are an anomaly and people are taking pictures of you, it’s most definitely not because you’re sexy. Find out why here. Oh, and bloggers, please stop doing this.
Stories to Make You Question Life as We Know It
In this Wednesday’s Wonder, we question society’s ability to forget. It’s as easy as stepping on it.
This post discusses the “wow” moment in travel. The story is sure to make you go “wow!” or “wow” or “mehwow.”
This post calls into question how travelers will choose something fun versus something historical. We were in Atlanta, Georgia and there were way more people at the World of Coca-Cola than at Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Memorial.
If You Want to Laugh…
These stories are sure to entertain you on your day off or kill a little time before you actually have to do some work. Don’t worry, they’re all SFW, even if the wiener story looks conspicuously NSFW. Go on, click around a little.
If you’re in Eastern Europe and you despise carbonated water–which, by the way is everywhere–then check out our handy guide to buying non-carbonated water. Trust us, you’ll want to read it.
We also learned that Eastern Europe loves Mexicans. Awww, you’re welcome, world.
In this post, we discussed the love for wiener. We were in Wien eating wieners. They were tasty.

Blogs We Love
If you’re looking for new blogs to read, check out some blogs we love:
Jauntblog is a travel blog with a little bit of lifestyle all wrapped up into it. Eva’s blog covers travel domestically and afar, including travel fashion and good travel eats.
Peanuts or Pretzels‘ Josh and Liz are also another American couple who work full-time and love to travel. If you’re interested in the wonderful world of geocaching or if you want more tips on how to maximize your vacation, check them out.
Quirky Travel Guy is about Scott’s adventures in the good ol’ United States and North America. Read about his adventure on the Los Angeles bus system! And try out his latest Photo Teaser Quiz!
Thank you, readers, for hanging in there for a whole year as we laughed, lived, loved and traveled. We have one year of blogging under our belts and many more years to go. You won’t want to miss the rest.
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