My bachelorette party was at the happiest place on Earth: Las Vegas. Before we left, my cousin/ maid-of-honor let me know that through some random course of events, she lost her driver’s license. She was devastated. “Easy fix,” I said, “just use your passport.”
“I don’t have one.”
“Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?” I bellowed. It turns out my cousin is not in the minority, but the mister and I most certainly are when it comes to owning a passport. I went to US Department of State’s travel website to see just how many people actually have their passports in the United States. I crunched a few numbers and after realizing that I suck at math and that I married my husband because he’s good at math (yes, that is a valid reason to marry someone!), I had him crunch the numbers.
Only about 40% of all Americans own a passport (not including any standard deviations or room for error and all that other statistical stuff I could care less about…unless we’re betting on the ponies). That’s astonishingly low compared to other developed countries.

So, on this patriotic day—or actually the next day when post offices resume business—do your patriotic civic duty: Get your passport. The best gift to give is the gift of travel. It will broaden your horizons and educate you about the world. There are many things to see and people to meet on this vast planet and it all starts with that petite book of stamps.
Happy birthday, America!
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