Oh, Bambi, the most beloved baby deer on the planet. He bats his big doe eyes and we all swoon.
Well, let me tell you who’s not swooning: who’s got two thumbs and is pointing those thumbs at themselves to make a point, but in like a funny way? This gal.
Bambi–and all his Bambi deer friends–are crotch-eating, booger-whistling, #deerselfie-disapproving little pervs.
Case in point, this guy:

He’s one of the many deer at Miyajima Island who walk around freely. We actually kind of liked this idea. After all, the deer are one with nature and with people and OMGWECANPETTHEDEERLIKEPUPPIES!!!!
After docking on Miyajima Island, that’s exactly what we did: we pet the first deer like a puppy. He wasn’t having any of that and promptly walked away.
We pet a second deer like a puppy who sniffed our pockets and then also promptly walked away.
We took a deer selfie with a very unwilling deer participant who was far too lazy to get up and walk away.
We walked to the torii gate, which wasn’t surrounded by water because of low tide. Hundreds of little silver coins lined the surrounding area around the gate and it was amazing they didn’t get washed away into the sea.

We walked back up to the where the many deer walked little laps on the sidewalk searching for food. One must have been sick of looking for food and decided my crotch (lil’ perv) was grass, or wheat, or leaves and then proceeded to try and eat it. I promptly walked away.
Up on a little hill is Daisho-In temple, home to hundreds of beanie-clad buddha statues. The dedication to crochet all those tiny beanies is amazing and made our hearts melt a little.

We pet a third and final deer, who booger-whistled to his comrade that we must not have any food, and they both promptly walked away. We have never heard deer communicate to one another. It sounds like they have a massive booger stuck way up in their nostril and they’re trying to push it out.
Next time we roam with deer, we’ll remember one thing: food. Once we have that, these deer will keep their snouts to themselves….Well, you know, except for when they want food…
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